Pass Driving Test

Pass Driving Test

How not to fail driving test tips

First and foremost, do not panic. The more confident you feel and look the better chances are you will pass the test. It is just a test. But you can keep these pointers to make sure that you pass your driving test.

  • Keep all documents handy Take your theory test certificate, driving test booking confirmation, and driving license copy and original. Prepare this a day before your test to avoid last minute issues.
  • Practice well ahead There will be lot of people telling you about how many hours of driving practice you require before you take your test. But always do what you feel comfortable about. Ask your test instructor or friend or family member to give you a mock test a few days before your actual test and you will know where you stand. Also practice near your driving centre and know the route to be comfortable for your test.
  • Know the rules by-heart If you have taken your theory test long time before your driving test, then brush up on all the topics. It will help you remember the rules faster and apply it while driving.
  • Be cautious Look in all mirrors at every time while doing your test. Be cautious about your surroundings and not just cars but people walking, cyclists etc (remember hazard perception).

Hope this helps you in passing your driving test and you don't need a driving test cancellation. All the best!